Quasar Solutions

Quasar Business Solutions was established to assist small businesses in their planning initiatives with a focus on identifying and improving key business drives and how they can be applied to implement a process-focused organizational structure.

The Goal

Deliver Value to Your Clients

Since 1991, Frank has considered organizational management not just to be an avocation but a passion to help business owners understand the transformative effects of focusing on delivering value to clients and how to establish business processes to accomplish this in the most efficient way.

Loyal Clients

Frank has maintained a successfully continuing relationship with a number of clients for over 40 years by continually delivering valued advice and services.

Years of experience

Frank has worked aas a business adviser for over 50 years, working with hundreds of clients throughout the years

How We Work. Our Mission & Values

Most business owners are not interested in buzzwords, slick presentations and the management flavour of the month. They don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on complex software that will deliver “astronomical” results. What they want is to be advised how they can effectively implement business plans, how they can improve their business, how they can deliver more value to clients and how they can increase their topline and bottom-line. And they want this in ordinary English that they can understand. That’s what Frank delivers.

Our Services

Our services are aimed at assisting business in implementing new processes to become more efficient, increase sales, and decrease expenses. 

Understanding the Strategic Planning Process

Helping the Business Owner understand the Key performance Indicators of the Business and leverage the competitive advantages of the Business

Creating a Marketing Plan

Strategic Planning (specific and Organization-Wide) – the importance of starting small and building on successes

Helping the Business Owner identify the Business’s existing processes, and transforming organizational elements into a process-centered structure

“Having retired in 2015 as a senior financial officer of a large multinational corporation, I have known or worked with Frank since 1974. Frank represented our corporation as its primary external legal counsel in a number of extremely complicated matters that he managed brilliantly. His patience in gathering pertinent information in order to fully understand the issues in question resulted in the delivery of excellent legal advice and solutions with which we were all comfortable.”

Norman Todd

“Having retired in 2015 as a senior financial officer of a large multinational corporation, I have known or worked with Frank since 1974. Frank represented our corporation as its primary external legal counsel in a number of extremely complicated matters that he managed brilliantly. His patience in gathering pertinent information in order to fully understand the issues in question resulted in the delivery of excellent legal advice and solutions with which we were all comfortable.”

Norman Todd

Quasar Business Solutions

Business Process Reengineering

Business Process Re-engineeering was identified in the 1990’s by Dr. Michael Hammer and explained in his book, Reengineering the Corporation as the most recent major initiative in restructuring how businesses are organized and managed. Statistics have shown that only about one third of the companies that attempt to implement this have been successful. The most common reason for failure is a lack of commitment on the part of senior management. For the owner of a small and midsize business who understands and has the commitment to implement a process centered organizational structure, the challenge is simply a matter of whether or not there is sufficient commitment to spend the necessary time and intellectual resources required to make the changes.


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